France Makes Open Statement About Nuclear Deal

The foreign Minister of France, Jean-Yves Le Drian has said that, there is a bit of 
progress in Iran Nuclear deal but in order to reach the deal, the time is really short.

He has welcomed the efforts of negotiators on the current progress, but his concern 
is regarding the short time to negotiate the deal. He also added, that based on the discussions in Vienna, he has convinced that the talks are going in a positive direction, therefore they will reach a deal soon.

Talking on television, he commented 'bits of progress have been made in
the last few days. Time is of the essence because, if we don't get an accord
quickly there will be nothing to negotiate.' Similar sentiments were shared by Britain. During talks with Israel this week, Britain also said that time was running out for a deal. Also, Germany said similar thing, adding that negotiations were 'entering a crucial phase; and that there was 'not much time.'

As per comments from Washington, on Tuesday the clock is ticking and actions by
Iran on nuclear steps would 'increasingly diminish the non-proliferation benefits' of 
the deal if no agreement is reached.

On Friday, in a display of power, Iran showcased three ballistic missiles in the 
central Trehan, known as Zolfaghar, Qiam and Dezfu. The rage of these is ranges 
up to 1,000 kilometres.

On Monday, the eighth around of talks also resumed. Amongst other topics, the 
latest step is about restoring the 2015 deal between Iran, the US, Britain, France, 
Germany, Russia and China.  At this time, Iran officials have refused to meet the US officials. The meeting was proposed to restore the deal and that the diplomats from the other parties must shuttle between the two sides.

Sanctions on Iran were lifted, under the condition of restriction on its nuclear activities. During 2018, the time of Trump , the US pulled out and restored punitive measures against Tehran. Later Tehran has breached many of the limits it has agreed to in Vienna.

During the talks this week, South Korea offered the possible release of $7Billion in 
frozen Iranian assets under hold in Korea due to US Sanctions. The release of 
these assets would also need to be approved by Washington.


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