How Netanyahu's Golden Days Could Be Over With American To Be Appointed PM Joe Biden

Whether Netanyahu will be able to continue to smile under to be appointed American PM Joe Biden is something one will have to wait and watch 

The victory of Joe Biden over Donald Trump may be bringing a smile to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's face. But this might not mean that Netanyahu will be able to steer the Israeli boat into the homes of Palestinians after all. 

The good days and favour that he has shared with Trump over Trump's four year disastrous presidency term has come to an end. Biden has a tough task at his hand- redo and also somewhere bandage many relationships that have been wounded by Trump's irresponsible governance and immature leadership.

Biden comes with the great background of having served with Mr. Obama. He has therefore learned the art of negotiation and knows how to keep the masses together. In his presidency, he will probably not be seen making the mistakes Trump made. Trump was out to meet one agenda over the expense on other agendas, disbalancing all the equations as a result. 

Netanyahu was able to bring through a half hearted peace treaty in the Middle East, which was never recognised by the Palestinians. It was also frowned upon many other Middle Eastern countries who chose to keep their middle ground. Biden comes with a fresh perspective and will not look at curry favours with Netanyahu. While he was the VP with Obama, Netanyahu was not very happy. His happiness could be seen in the free reign of Trump.

Golden days might actually be over for Netanyahu after all. Palestinians are hopeful of better days ahead, not mincing their words in many news bits where people have admitted that Trump only hurt their lives by siding with Netanyahu on refusing to give them their own legitimate state and accept their need for sovereignty. Palestinian President Mahmmoud Abbas has decided to drop the boycott of White House. He has hopes from Mr. Joe Biden and has congratulated him on his victory and hopes for justice of Palestine. 

While Barack Obama cannot return to a term due to the rules of the American constitution, his leadership will speak through who he has trained under his wings. With Biden also comes, a middle class sound value system that his VP Kamala Harris holds in her heart. For America, it is really a rise of the phoenix from its ashes. Had the people of America not woken up to the disaster they had landed themselves into, we could have seen the loss of one of the world's most powerful nations ever in history. 



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