Has America Woken Up From The Trump Spell Or Not?

Coming election, one can only hope the spell breaks and a Joe Biden kiss of good luck can save the sinking ship called America

Photo courtsey: buzzpo.com

It has not taken rocket science to understand that Mr. Donald Trump was a disastrous choice of leadership for the White House. His coming to power, makes one feel an uneducated India story has been replayed in the West. In fact, most of his vote bank comes from a background of people who are not aware of what is actually happening in the White House, but were taken in by his charisma and hard hitting words full of promises of a rosy future. 

The damage that has been done to the American spirit is going to be irreversible- it has taken the badge of honour of being a super power has fallen off. It will only taken some very sound leadership to bring back the lost glory of America. 

Mr. Barack Obama was revered for his sensible, and sometimes courageous decision making that had given America a balanced strong hold it needed. A country that does not only belong to the America has a sizable African Black population too. Equal representation went for a six, when the mass human rights agitation hit the roads of America first, and then the rest of the world. 

Trump simply kept undoing everything good done by his predecessor. He seemed to have derived some sadistic pleasure in doing so.  But he did this and much more, at the expense of the common American, that had exercised his/her right to vote and brought him into power.

Trump's dealings does show him as an excellent businessman, but he has played dangerously with foreign policies, pushed out inter-country geopolitics, disbalancing a lot of carts of apples on his way. 

His rampage has been purposeful, as if he was determined to ruin everything till nothing is left of the sovereignty of the country that prided itself in being a superpower. To top it all, he got rid of all mature and sensible minds at the White House, who could see the ship sinking and tried to steer it of choppy waters. But Trump, as a sailor who does not know his responsibility towards his fellow sailors and those onboard, decided to change the course of the ship and dig for gold instead. 

He seemed to have met a lot of pirates on the way, who he felt he needed to oblige. I am referring to all those lobbies that he had been encouraging throughout his tenure and let the money and safety of the public be thrown to the wind. 

All in all, America needs to wake up to the spell caste off by Trump. There is only some dwindling hope in Mr. Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris has his second in command. But if the people are influenced and don't caste a responsible vote, there is no coming back for America, atleast for the next decade. 


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