Why Macron Does Not Trust America With EU Future Collaborations

Macron does not feel a change of command will make a difference to American insensitivity

Photo courtesy: www.thetelegraph.co.uk

The French President Emmanuel Macron has said that it would be a foolish idea to really think that post Trump’s tyranny; US can be trusted on the thought that the EU bloc can actually underwrite the European security and defend its interests. In a nutshell, it just means that his faith when it comes to American administration will take a long time to rebuild, even if it means that the world is in awe of the to-be sworn in US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

In his message to the media, he has expressed a desire that the European Union should look at self-reliance a little more seriously. That means, French President Emmanuel Macron feels that European Union should make efforts to develop its technology, international finance and defense capabilities and act independent off support from other nations, especially the US.

EU has some glaring vulnerabilities that has left it open to criticism from the US. Macron indicated the bloc’s cloud computing capabilities. He further strengthened his stand by arguing against the German defense minister’s stance Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer who argued earlier this month that it is an “illusion" to think the EU can replace the US’s role in upholding security on the continent.

Macron has been displeased with the way the American media has been ‘legitimizing’ violence holding him responsible for promoting islamophobia. Macron has been verbal about the violence against French nations and others in France, after a French teacher for beheaded for mocking the prophet via some cartoon representations he used to teach in his class.

It is sad but the French president landed up writing to a prominent American national daily and expressed his disappointment in the way American journalism was taking fun out of  its own culture wars- comprising short-lived headlines and misinformed tweets. What is saddening further is that post the multiple terror attacks in France, even the English and American outlets immediately focused on failures in France’s policy toward Muslims rather than on the global terror threat.

Macron’s outburst could just be fueled from his realization that indeed, America chooses to overlook the fine print and focus only on what meets the eye. 


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