Covid Effects One and All- Olympics and Tennis Too

Life amidst the Pandemic is not easy for anyone, everyone from rich to poor face 
the trails of Pandemic in their own way. The current wave of Pandemic has shown 
wide affects to the Australian Open tennis courts, the French President and the US Supreme Court.

Though the Omicron is milder than its predecessors, still the speed of its transmission is keeping the hospital beds occupied and a major work-force out of job. With the third consecutive year, the overall feeling in world is shifting towards to a new way of living, especially in the democratic countries. Whereas China is moving in a different direction with lockdown of its cities and millions of people in order to prevent the Winter Olympics. It is believed that this move of China is another showcase of its proof of super-power, though this would be another epic centre of infection to the world. Beijing is put on high alert and clusters with high number of Omicron cases have been completely closed.

In other parts of the world, where all the guidelines for public health were being
observed, including isolation even in case of being asymptomatic, there has been
partial lock-down due to the current situation of many people tested positive or
someone they known have been tested positive.

The erratic nature of the virus is keeping all countries globally alert, some are
pushing back the Covid isolation protocols and others pushing the booster shot
regimes specific to omicron.

The virus has again created existing cultural and ideological political divides in the
United States. In Chicago, a tussle between the city's mayor and the teachers' union
over reopening schools has been observed. At other places, the virus has already
costed many lives, where the conservative governors who long saw political
advantage in downplaying the virus.

During the early phase of Pandemic, President Donald Trump attracted a lot of
criticism for putting political and economic considerations ahead of science. Whereas now global leaders President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron or Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison are now also adopting a more politicized approach.


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