West Unites Over Russian Threat To Ukraine Takeover

The current situation arising at the Ukraine borders with Russia’s threating with troops build up has united the leaders in the west. Joe Biden declared a
"total unanimity" with the leaders in Europe against the actions of Russia's to build-up troops on the Ukraine borders.

Joe Biden also informed that the leaders in Europe have complete agreement with him on the common strategy against current actions of Russia, he shared this after a video call with the European allies on Monday.

After the call with leaders from France, Germany, Italy, Poland and the EU, Biden shared with media “I had a very, very, very good meeting - total unanimity with all the European leaders." Additionally, UK has warned Russia, of "swift" and "unprecedented" sanctions if an incursion takes place.

 Russia has not shown any indication of change in their stand to invade Ukraine yet.

 The leaders from US and Europe agreed on international unity in face of growing Russian hostility. They all agreed to take swift action against Russia in case it carries out the incursion. The spokesperson said “"allies must enact swift retributive responses including an unprecedented package of sanctions", in case of any aggressive action by Russia at Ukraine borders.

US has made its prior arrangements by keeping 8,500 combat-ready US troops are on high alert to deploy at short notice. They plan to deploy the forces, if the Nato military alliance decides to activate a rapid-reaction force, "or if other situations develop" around the Russian troop build-up.

In a bid to support Ukrainse, some NATO members, including Denmark, Spain, France and the Netherlands, are already planning or considering sending fighter jets and warships to eastern Europe to bolster defences in the region.

Commenting on the situation, Borris Johnson shared “gloomy" intelligence suggests Russia is planning a lightning raid on the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. The intelligence also said that there are 60 Russian battle groups on the borders of Ukraine. Russia is planning for a lightning war that could take out Kyiv and leave an impact which everybody can see.


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