Majorie Green Tweets Go Cold For A Week

Twitter takes a stand with Conservative mis-informative tweet

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been shamed by Twitter for underplaying the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination drives in the United States. She has been suspended for a week to tweet on the social media platform, after she indulged in false publicity.

This was done after Greene’s posts were found to be worth being labelled under the Twitter ‘Covid-19 misleading information policy’ and therefore, ‘the account will be in read only mode for a week’ due to repeated violations of Twitter rules.

According to Greene’s tweet, the Food and Drug Administration shouldn’t ‘formally approve the vaccines’ which have been made available through emergency authorization for mass inoculation and quick control of the Delta variant spread.

It is been seen that the conservative freshman lawmakers at many times has falsely claimed that these vaccines are failing and that cases of infection and spread of Covid-19 amongst vaccinated people is still on the rise.

According to her, ‘vaccine mandates and passports violate individual freedom’. Apparently, the Joe Biden administration has been trying to curb the spread of the virus through mass inoculations. At the moment, and throughout the world, this is being seen as the best way to prevent the spread of the virus and its various variants. 


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