Iran Strategically Places Eslami As Nuclear Energy Head

 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has selected a strange diplomat to head Iran's nuclear energy department 

Why would anyone want to appoint an ex-road and urbanisation minister to head something as sensitive as the Nuclear energy management department?  Just goes on to show how small does Raisi think of the seriousness of managing something as sensitive as nuclear energy.

It a rather astonishing move, he has ousts the nation’s most prominent nuclear scientist with a U.N.-sanctioned minister who has no reported experience in nuclear energy but ties to the defense ministry. Everything Iran does has no intelligence, wisdom or thought of people's interest in mind. Mr. Mohammed Eslami has merely overseen the road construction of the country. 

He would also be serving as one of the several VP of the country, which already has a pronounced murder on the helm. His predecessor Mr.  Ali Akbar Salehi, on the other hand, was a U.S.-educated scientist who was a key player during the years of intense international diplomacy that led to Tehran’s now-tattered 2015 landmark nuclear deal with world powers.

In 2008, Eslami was sanctioned by the United nations. Back then, he was serving as head of Iran’s Defense Industries Training and Research Institute. He was found “being engaged in, directly associated with or providing support for Iran’s proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.”

What could benefit Raisi is Eslami's experience in civil engineering. Off late, Iran has been focussing on building more nuclear plants. His engineering background speaks to the country’s renewed focus on power plant construction at a time when rolling electrical blackouts have plagued the country.


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