India And Russia Come Closer Over Afghanistan

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India isn't turning its face away from the democratic mess that has resulted from Afghanistan. It is ready to fight and stand by its promise of help while most Moslem nations are wishing to steer clear of any trouble from a fellow Islamic nation. 

In a recent move, India and Russia have both agreed upon a 2 way street for Afghanistan that will help counter dissemination of the terrorist ideology and the drug threat emanating from the territory of Afghanistan.

While Taliban has completely taken control over the country, it is difficult to say how far this co-operation can actually go. Definitely, the Taliban are looking at getting a seat at the table. In the past, Iran has also been on the peace bandwagon for Afghanistan. This is again a time, when it has opened its doors to all those Afghanis who have fled their own land to find refuge elsewhere. No Moslem nation is agreeing to home then. Some are willing to only give a 15-20 day funnel period for them to pass through into any other nation they fit to go to. But doors aren't open to any of the rich Arab nations which we had thought would have helped these brothers in distress. 

India has reasons to shake hands with Kremlin. Pakistan is already looking at taking Talibani support to claim back J&K from India. The centre will need all the geopolitical support it can gather at this point of time, when India is literally under attack from all sides. 


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