Ethiopia Saddened By American Elimination From AGOA

The US government has terminated the continuity for trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The government of Ethiopia has shown deep regret on this decision of the US government. In a statement by the ministry, they shared "We strongly encourage the U.S government to reconsider its decision." The statement from Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration, also says that “the Ethiopian Government has continued to take measures aimed at restoring peace and stability and consolidating the political and economic reforms over the past three years.

They also mentioned about the respect of having a long-standing cordial relationship that has existed between our two countries and good faith maintained with the involved agencies within the US administration to restore our mutually beneficial partnership.

The decision to remove Ethiopia from AGAO is expected to further slowdown the cause of human rights in Ethiopia. The export business opportunities created by AGOA act has been helpful for the local and under marginalised people of Ethiopia by creating jobs for hundreds and thousands of young women and children. The most vulnerable people of the country have got benefits from this act, which has helped many families’ survival.

The termination of Ethiopia from AGOA will case a big damage to their country by directly affecting the lives and livelihoods of thousands of so innocent people who have nothing to do with the current crisis is significant.


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