Palestinians Finally Get Limited Access To Work In Lebanon

The story doesn’t get any easy for the Palestinians living in and around Israel or in Lebanon. Their access to jobs remains limited. It seems syndicated individuals can restrict their right to work.

Last week, the Lebanese government granted limited access to Palestinians to seek jobs in their economy. But sadly, but most white-collar jobs remain barred without a Parliament vote.

The decree, published on the Labour Ministry’s website, says Palestinians born in Lebanon, as well as non-Lebanese with a Lebanese mother or married to a Lebanese citizen, are now allowed to work in professions managed by Lebanese orders and syndicates.

According to Abdelnasser El Ayi, project manager at the Lebanese-Palestinian Dialogue Committee, an inter-ministerial body headed by the prime minister's office, “Laws governing jobs organised by the order, can only be changed by lawmakers in Parliament.” These include professions like, engineering, medicine, pharmacy and law.

Post the Arab-Israeli war in 1948, there were millions of Palestinians who stayed on Lebanon. But till date, they don’t hold prominent jobs here. Up until last week’s amendment, Lebanese labour laws barred Palestinians from a list of more than 30 professions. Decrees can be amended by a minister and do not require a vote from MPs. Palestinians remain prohibited from buying land in Lebanon. What lies ahead is to see whether orders and syndicates will choose to amend their rules to allow Palestinians to work. Syndicates have been ruling power in different ways in Lebanon.


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