Surprise Strike On Coalition Led New Military Intakes In Yemen

Graduating Batch Of Soldiers Allied To The Arab Coalition Was Attacked In An Unknown Missile Strike

There is no respite to the people of Yemen, as yet again, an incident of a missile fired by an Iran-aligned Houthi group struck a military parade.

This attack has reportedly killed at least seven people and injured several government-allied southern separatist forces who control the area in the town of al-Dhalea.

Ruining the graduation ceremony for recruits to the Security Belt forces, Houthis have not claimed responsibility of the attack. But strangely, it is an indication of this as the Security Belt forces are aligned Yemen's government and a part of the coalition that has been fighting against the Houthi rebels.

They are also backed by the United Arab Emirates and looks like a direct attack against the country.

The town of al-Dhalea is controlled by southern separatist forces. It lies on the main south-to-north road linking the southern port of Aden — controlled by Hadi’s government — to the Houthi-controlled capital, Sanaa.

Yemen has been reeling under a civil war since March 2015. Houthi rebels seized control of much of the west of the country then and had forced PresidentAbdrabbuh Mansour Hadi to flee abroad. It was then, that Saudi Arabia and eight other mostly Sunni Muslim Arab states began an air campaign aimed at restoring Mr Hadi's government. The Houthis received support from the regional Shia Muslim power Iran.

The war, since then has claimed many lives. UN has estimated more than 70,000 lives lost, of which a vast majority were Yemenis and an estimated two-thirds of those were because of Saudi-led air strikes.


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