Why Isn’t UN Taking Sexual Misconduct Against Women Staffers Seriously?

Would you imagine an organization like the United Nations being instrumental in cases of sexual harassment going unreported? This is truer than it can get. A number of cases against women who were sexually harassed and, on some occasions, raped as well, have gone unnoticed and no one (except one) is talking about it.

Purna Sen was appointed the spokeswoman on harassment, assault and discrimination in 2018 for the United Nations. She spoke to a leading British media house that recently developed a documentary on how women have been harassed at work front under the title, ‘The Whistleblowers: Inside The UN’, said there were women at the UN who had been "approached, accosted and raped". The more men were allowed to get away with it, she said, "the more they will keep doing it".

Ms. Sen did not mince her words as she announced that the treatment of whistleblowers at the United Nations really needed some serious examination and couldn’t have been rubbished so easily. She recommended an external panel to probe the allegations.

Internally, most were hushed away. The accused have been applauded for their long service and many have retired. Those who did raise their voices were given the pink slip. Ms. Sen has been a part of the documentary. She has commented on how the presence of seniors who protect the wrong doing does more harm. She wondered as to why the UN Secretary General António Guterres hadn’t already appointed an external panel for justice.

It’s ironic to see that the organization which sets an example as a beacon of hope for human rights worldwide, cannot protect the rights of its own employees, especially women.


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