Macron Makes Bold Statement That Has Got NATO Partners Thinking

Macron has been bold and straight in pointing out the weakness of the NATO alliance partners in not stopping US from upsetting the Syrian equation

The French President Emmanuel Macron’s comment has not gone very well with neither the US not Turkey. Macron has gone ahead to call the NATO experiencing a certain kind of ‘brain dead’, ahead of the NATO Summit being held in London this week.
Mr. Donald Trump has termed his comment as nasty and German chancellor Angela Merkel found his words rather ‘drastic’. But Macron said he stood by his words because he felt that the NATO alliance was doing nothing while their biggest guarantor the United States had taken a huge step to retract forces from Northern Syria, without even consulting the NATO alliance partners.
Trump has said he felt insulted when Macron used the words openly. However, the charismatic young French President has gone ahead and given out a word of caution to European members stating that they could no longer rely on the US to defend the alliance, established at the start of the Cold War to bolster Western European and North American security.
The NATO alliance comprises 29 member states that have pledged to come one another aid should they feel a threat against the expansion of the Soviet Union. The alliance was formed after the Second World War.
In response to what Macron had said, Turkish President Recap Tayyip Erdogan has twisted the statement asking Macron if he thought he was brain dead. The comments have drawn a swift rebuke from the French foreign ministry, which summoned Turkey’s ambassador to Paris to protest over what a French presidential adviser called “insults”.
Macron had made a statement in context of how NATO was suffering from a lack of strategic coordination between European allies on the one hand and the United States and Turkey, on the other. He has also decried NATO’s inability to react to what he called Turkey’s “crazy” offensive into northern Syria.


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