How Manifestation Art Is Becoming A New Medium Of Self Expression

A new form of art is here and to stay, that is helping people in the art of manifesting and breaking out of limiting beliefs

Filling your diary with imagination, ideas of the future- can we call this art? That is exactly what the world is moving towards and that is what is being encouraged to use this ‘self-help’ technique that helps to channelize your thoughts and manifest them as future outcomes.

The concept became more prevalent with Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret and Oprah Winfrey and has now become a popular art form as well. There are many ways to manifestation- writing, speaking or drawing.

A new name here is Natascha Shah, a Delhi based manifestation artist. She includes whimsical and intricate black ink sketches in her art form. Most can be found on the social media. One intended to unleash creativity, for instance, shows a woman with cascading hair holding a sitar, sitting amid swirling leaves and dancing vines. Meanwhile a cozy cottage surrounded by mountains, pine trees and twirling smoke, spangled with stars and a crescent moon unfurling from the chimney, is symbolic of new beginning.

Dreams and future plans can be so beautifully put down as art forms, if you are fond of art that is. There is more of a comforting feeling in doing so and that is one reason this art form is getting great popularity abroad. Its most comforting premise of course remains “believe and you shall receive.”

The therapy is also undeniable behind this whole premise. It helps the mind to set purposeful intentions, after which we are able to set ourselves a goal and minimise the unlimited distractions that will keep us from reaching that goal.

These artists draw complex manifestations into easy-to-understand images. Artist Leeanne Brennan, from Chapel Hill, North Carolina for example actually runs classes in her studio to learn how to ‘unlock limiting beliefs.’

Artistic skills are not a prerequisite for creating manifestation drawings, however. “Even stick figures and squiggles are fantastic because you are not distracted by the ‘beauty’ of the art. Manifestation art is powerful because of the meaning and deeper understanding it creates for you, not anyone else,” says Brennan, who creates simple black and white drawings including a figure going through what it feels like to break through to the other side of what one desires.


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