Why Is Iran Turning a Blind Eye to Child Trafficking?

Despite repeated calls from the human rights groups worldwide, Iran turns a deaf ear to child trafficking that is a lot instigated by parental poverty 

A strange and sad nexus of child traffickers is on the loose. Some say that parents themselves are selling off their kids in Iran because they have no money to feed them. Kids and toddlers are being sold for as less as $600 dollars.

A gang is at work that picks on children left unassisted in parks or compounds and is also offering money to those needy and destitute who are unable to take care of their kids.

Iranian police provide no data about babies being bought and sold nor about the criminal groups involved. Iran has little legislation to prevent the trafficking of children. According to media sources, this is the second largest Iranian children trafficking racquet that has been busted since May 2020.

The gang operated in various Iranian cities and was led by a young woman, the paper added. Members of the group confessed that they had abducted some children from parks and playgrounds but said many were sold to them by parents who could not afford to raise their own babies.

Amidst the atrocities of poverty, the political elite of Iran are continuing to thrive. The political clout is busy investing its time and energy on nuclear empowerment at the expense of the common man, that has been deprived of basic food, shelter, medical help apart from running the danger of their children being trafficked for a meagre amount of money.

No one is bothered and no one is listening.



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