Temporary Cut In Oil Supply Through Belarus Sends Gas Prices Sky Rocketing In European Union

 In a recent incident, Belarus made and statement for an “unscheduled repair” on a branch of the “Friendship pipeline” carrying oil supplies from Russia through their country to a number of EU states, stating that the repairs will take three days.

Transneft, the Russian energy giant has said that this is a short-term disruption and the repair work should be completed by weekend. Though the monthly supply volumes should not be affected by this halt in supply. The pipeline connects oil fields in Central Russia to consumers in Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Germany.

This situation has caused a record-high increase in natural gas prices in Europe. Various factors are aggravating the current situation in Europe, including the unusual cold winter, which demands people to heat their homes for longer than usual. Also, the need for natural gas is higher due to decisions regarding phasing out of coal and a bad year for wind production.

The political situation in Europe is also not conducive at this moment with President of Belarus, Alendra Lukashenko threating to stop flow of natural gas to Central and Western Europe, in response to a worsening row over illegal migration on the border of Poland.

Currently there are refugee camps with thousands of people stuck at frontiers. They have apparently been cleared up today with migrants given temporary shelter in Belarus. European Union is accusing Minsk of putting on flights from troubled nations like Syria and Iraq enabling people to cross over in retribution for sanctions levied against its government.

Belarus doesn’t take the responsibility of the situation saying that have no control over the migrants reaching the border. New Sanctions were imposed on November 16 th when the European Foreign ministers met in Brussels and agreed to “amend its sanctions regime in view of the situation at the EU’s border with Belarus, so as to be able to respond to the instrumentalization of human beings carried out by the Belarus regime for political purposes.

EU President Ursuka von der Leyen says, this is a “hybrid attack” on the bloc and recommended the EU member states to approve additional sanctions against Belarus.


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