How America Is Helping Palestine Get Back On Its Feet- Again!

Biden is going to have to undo a lot of damage done to Palestine under Trump administration 

Palestine’s fate seems to have been written in stone. Its luck doesn’t seem to turn on its own, at any point of time. For a country that has its own government and running economy, it does not seem to get the status of sovereignty that it deserves.

The Covid-19 situation turned it into a beggar- if not literally. It is counted amongst poor nations, yet Israel wants to claim control over it. It does not have the means to develop its own vaccine, yet it helped Israeli doctors in developing an inhalation pump that can prevent spread of the Covid-19 virus into lungs of extremely sensitive patients.

Now, it is running helter-skelter to secure as many Covid-19 vaccines that it can inoculate its own. The ones that live in Israel have been inoculated, but Palestinians who do not reside there are at a loss. Israel is not giving preference to their need but feels it is important to share its surplus doses with other countries or inoculate its own, first.

The United States, under the leader of the strong compassionate Joe Biden has been generous to provide Palestine with financial aid to the tune of $15million, especially to support the vulnerable population living at the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

According to the US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, this aid comes from the US Agency for International Development “to support Catholic Relief Services and COVID-19 response efforts in health care facilities and for vulnerable families in the West Bank and Gaza.”

Trump had bruised the hearts of the Palestinians. He pushed all his support to ensure Israel could satiate its ego and feel that Jerusalem was with them. Trump had retracted aid and support off Palestinians, marring the American reputation as a fair nation of the free world. But with Biden’s takeover, promises are being kept and trust is being restored. Thomas-Greenfield said the $15 million in aid is “consistent with our interests and our values, and it aligns with our efforts to eradicate pandemic and food insecurity worldwide.”

Palestine continues to depend heavily on UN lead Covax scheme to secure its doses.  It secured simply 10,000 doses of the Russian made Sputnik and a meager 5000 doses are charity from Israel. It has a sizable population to inoculate. 


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