Taiwan Uses Vaccine Diplomacy To Win Allies

Taiwan is also using vaccine diplomacy to win allies to its end....

Taiwan has been generous to help its only South American ally with the Covid-19 vaccine. This is indeed a time when everyone should forget enmity and come on a level playing ground to help each other.

The help comes after people went up and arms against the Paraguayan government for having let them down over shoddy medical facilities and no vaccine supply to combat the increasing number of cases of the virus spread.  Taiwan is clear that the help they are extending Paraguay has nothing to do with the vaccine supply they have received for their own country.

Taiwan has faced a lot of repression against China, due to which it has found it difficult to create its own trade relations with any country. As of now, only 15 countries have formal diplomatic relations with Chinese-claimed Taiwan, and Taipei has long been nervous at Beijing's efforts to entice away its remaining friends.

This is indeed new-age diplomacy to handle the demand of a potential country, looking like that the knight and shining amour that comes to your rescue.  There are many nations today that are doing this in order to win brownie points.  

For China, democratic Taiwan is just one of its provinces, with no right to the trappings of a state. The United States has already expressed concern at Beijing's efforts to win over Taiwan's remaining allies and expand Chinese influence, especially in Latin America which Washington traditionally views as its backyard.


Many countries are however now using this mechanism of vaccine savior to win the trust of its allies. These include Israel, India, UAE and Saudi Arabia to name a few. 


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