Why Somali Herders Are Deserting Their Own Land

Somalian herders have never seen a drought like the one last year and the year before that. It has killed their herds of sheep, goat and even camels. There is no food, no water and literally no vegetation left for their survival

Thousands of such herders are now on the move to look for safe haven, into cities which are not even equip to receive them.

Earlier war torn, today their battle is with environmental conditions that have made survival not just difficult but impossible. Fierce and frequent droughts and floods have uprooted more than three million Somalis since 2016, according to UNHCR data that tracks internal displacement by cause. Thousands are moving from various pockets in Somalia and moving into the outskirts of cities nearby, creating pockets of migrant population sitting in shanties and makeshift settlements. These cities are already bursting on the seams with no hope to sustain the Somalian herding migrants.

Pastoral communities used to assign names to the great droughts that occurred every decade or so. As they try to ends meet, most lack skills to make a living in these cities. According to reports, Somalia has experienced two consecutive seasons of below-average rain, with a third on the way. But in 2020, it experienced flooding too. It was capped as the strongest tropical storm to hit the country ever.

Harvests have failed and the Famine Early Warning Systems Network warned in August that hunger will worsen by year's end, with 3.5 million people in dire need. Rainfall is projected to become more erratic and extreme over Somalia in coming years, accelerating the flight to cities and stoking greater conflict over limited resources, said Lana Goral from the International Organization for Migration.

The country remains cash strapped ill equipped to take care of its suffering lot. The only saving grace is suggestions from some policymakers who have proposed relocating disaster-ravaged communities to the coast as pastoral life becomes increasingly untenable.


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