Algeria Responds Back To French Bullying

Geopolitical reasons are huge determiners of how chemistry between nations remains. The recent unpleasantness between France and Algeria is an example of this....

In a strange turn of events Algeria has banned the military presence of French planes on its airstrip due to an ongoing fight between the nations. "This morning, while filing flight plans for two of our planes, we learned that the Algerians were closing the overflight of their territory to all French military planes," Colonel Pascal Ianni, spokesman for the French military, said to the media.

It seems the French president's comment about Algerian sovereignty did not go very well with the Algerians. Emmanuel Macron had said that it seems strange that the Algerian nation came into existence before the French colonisation. It was definitely a derogatory statement that could have hurt anyone's sentiments. 

While this has happened, French operations in the Sahel region go unbated. The second act of defiance is when the ambassador is called back. On Saturday, Algeria recalled its ambassador to Paris for consultations. Algerian government felt hurt about French remarks that it felt were "irresponsible" attributed to French President Emmanuel Macron.

Algeria has all its reason to make France understand that they cant get away by making such 'unsavoury' statements. But now France is being the forgiving big brother who continues to overlook its own mistake. Instead it says that the Algerian reaction would only hamper their effectiveness to their anti- terror mission in Sahel through called the, "Operation Barkhane," operating across Chad, Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Burkina Faso. "This decision from Algerian authorities only affects our logistical flow, and only at the margin," Ianni added.


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