Why Gantz Is Steamrolling Palestinian Growth?

In a bizarre manner, the Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who is in a power-sharing agreement to take over as Prime Minister from incumbent Naftali Bennett in two years, has type casted some human rights organisations as terrorist groups.

Much as under Benjamin Netanyahu, Gantz’s stance speaks of ill will to support the growth and emancipation of Palestinians. It is worth noting that most of these organisations are working for the upliftment of Palestinian people and are US funded. Post such designation last week, Israel administration has in its power to freeze the funds, seize assets, close offices, question, arrest or withhold employees without interim notice, warning or permission.

In it therefore no surprise that Congresswoman Betty McCollum, chair of the US House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, has now introduced a resolution condemning Israeli authorities for labeling the six human rights organizations as “terrorist groups.”

Without mincing her words, she has called Gantz move as that of a weakened stance of authoritarianism than thought process of a healthy democracy.

Chairing the US House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, she further added that “Israel’s decision to brand these prominent Palestinian civil-society groups as terrorist organizations exposes the truth that Israel’s occupation is violent, immoral and unjust, and that peaceful efforts to defend the rights of Palestinian children, women, farmers or prisoners must be declared illegal.”

Gantz’s stance has been widely criticized world over. Amnesty International has already designated Israel as an apartheid state that has throttled growth of Palestinian people greatly. Meanwhile, the right-wing Israeli Knesset member Avigdor Maoz has already written to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit demanding that the Jewish-led Combatants for Peace, an organization of former Israeli soldiers who advocate for peace, and B’Tselem, an Israeli Human rights group, also be designated as terrorist organizations because they condemned Gantz’s declaration and support the six Palestinian organizations.


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