Top 5 Animals To Spot In African Jungles

Once the most poached, these are big 5 and the awe-inspiring creatures to see in the wilds of Africa. We are talking about the most beautiful creatures like lions, leopards, elephants, African buffalo and the rhinoceroses.

Still hunted today, the increasing interest in safaris has somehow been a saving grace for them. That’s especially true because all of these species are decreasing in population—lions in particular are struggling, having lost 94 percent of their original habitat. Only about 20,000 of the big cats remain in the wild.

Leopards: are solitary cats and sometimes known as the ninja cat as they sneaky in nature and hard to spot. These cats can carry preys as large as an antelope or a zebra and believe in having a meal in silence and alone. They are not pack animals.

African Lion: They are pack animals but yet don’t have a permanent social hierarchy. Men only sire babies while women run the packs. In many cases they are also the hunters who teach the young ones to hunt. Male lions are suppose to keep a watch over the cubs while the mothers are out hunting.

African Buffalo: These hefty, cow-like animals often congregate by the thousands in the Serengeti; forming large groups is one defense against predators. Male and female buffalo both have horns, but the males’ curve upward and fuse together in the center, forming a solid bony plate called a boss. It’s a helpful defense—as is being more than three times heavier than their lion adversaries.

African Elephant: These are genetically different from the savanna dwellers. They are a couple of feet smaller than them.

Rhinoceroses: Known for its horn, it has been mercilessly poached and killed for decades so much so that they are a highly endangered species. There are two species—the black rhinoceros and the white rhinoceros—and five subspecies between them left in Africa. Those include the northern white rhino, the southern white rhino, the eastern black rhino, the southern central black rhino, and the southwestern black rhino. All are huge, with a top weight of 5,000 pounds and horns that can grow up to five feet long.

Africa being extremely popular for wildlife has many 5 categories that have recently come about. Go and explore one and come and tell us about it.


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