US Marine Loses Job Over Frank Outburst Online

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 Anything that does not agree with the towing of the line, especially if it’s the military, does not do well in America. The recent withdrawal from Afghanistan for American troops has seen a US Marine officer relieved off his duties, after he made the cardinal mistake of criticizing military leaders about their handling the withdrawal. US Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller posted a video online posing questions to his superiors.

In his video, he was willing to throw it all away, demanding ‘public accountability’ from the military leadership. In an act of retaliation, Scheller was sent a message to be relieved off his duties.

Scheller's video was posted the same day that 13 US service members and more than 170 others were killed in an attack outside Kabul's airport, according to the Pentagon and Afghanistan's Ministry of Public Health.

Marine Corps spokesperson Maj. Jim Stenger said in a statement that Scheller had been relieved of command "due to a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to command."

From how we reacted to his being relieved, he didn’t seem disturbed at all. But then, the harm has been done, and America has lost a well decorated marine as well. 


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