How Iran is playing up on misinformation through fictitious websites

Under Biden administration, action is in addressing the root cause of misinformation in Iran- pulling down websites serving the agenda of misinformation 

The United States has taken a strong stance on information misinformation being used as a tool by Iran. It has decided to ban all such websites that was serving the purpose of disinformation. Two such websites include those owned by Iranian state-controlled news groups, Press TV and Al-Alam, and of the Al-Masirah TV channel of Yemen's Huthis.


Further, spelled Kataib Hezbollah, KH is one of the main Iran-aligned Iraqi militia groups that has also been designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States. As of now, as many as 36 such websites have been seized by the United States government. Many of them are associated with either disinformation activities or other violent organizations. Apparently, they are in violation of US sanctions too, and are therefore being taken offline.

Strangely, most of them were up and running in hours of being brought down, under new domain names.

Strangely, as many as 33 domains used by IRTVU are owned by a United States company and that IRTVU did not obtain a license from Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control prior to utilizing the domain names.


The crack down on the websites has been stringent as Iran selects one more of its tyrants to run the show- Ebrahem Raisi. His selection has been condemned by the Western world.


Since October, the US has also sanctioned and brought down a number of websites being run by the Iranian Houthi affiliated that continue to spread misinformation and brainwash innocent youth to join its fight for a caliphate across the Middle East.


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