Israel Hangs The Covid Vaccine Carrot For Diplomatic Gains
In a cheap move to win diplomacy for ownership of Jerusalem as its capital, Israel has favored a few 15 nations to receive its surplus doses of the Covid-19 vaccine Israel is also an opportunist as many other nations who have used the Covid-19 situation to further their diplomatic agendas with their neighbours. As a quick pro-quo, Israel has shipped its extra Covid-19 vaccine doses to friendly nations. As if the only way to get the jabs, was to answer a simple question, which holds the key to the magic vaccine vyles is ‘Whose capital is Jerusalem?’ While the current PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has not specified who are the lucky recipients, indications are these comprise all those nations that have happily given the key answer to his magic question as ‘Israel’. As a childish gesture of obedience being met, Netanyahu is using the vaccine jabs as a way to bribe his way into a favourable circle of trust that stands by Trump’s stupid worldwide assertion of how Jerusalem belongs to Isra...