John Bolton Forthcoming Book Could Be Permissible In Senate Trial

Trump Defense Can No Longer Avoid John Bolton's testimony in the impeachment trial

Former national security advisor, John Bolton has disclosed in his forthcoming book that it is for a fact that Mr. Donald Trump had disclosed to him about his intent to withhold funds from Ukraine as a pressure tactic to ensure the country’s leader aided investigations into Democrats, especially the Bidens.

With this revelation, the need to investigate into witness testimony has become evidently clear, a fact, that the Republican dominated senate also may not be able to ignore.

Trump has denied telling Bolton anything of this sort. The impeachment centered around the allegation that it was indeed a pressure tactic used by Trump to bend the Ukrainian PM to investigate the Bidens to suit his election campaign strategy. Later on, Trump decided to withhold the aid money that had been duly sanctioned by the Congress in a unanimous vote.

This could be a possible reason as to why Trump got rid of Bolton in September 2019, someone who had been his iron-man to get hard decisions through. Trump got rid of Bolton due to the latter’s firm stands. He had initially stated John Bolton to his office replacing two other successors very quickly, to take advantage of what the media termed as “ one of Washington's most vocal war hawks” to work beside him in the West Wing. But Bolton’s own sense of reasoning had not gone well with Trump.

His termination was done rather rudely over a tweet in which Trump said that Bolton’s services were of no longer needed at the Oval office. Ironically, an hour before that the Press Office had already announced that Bolton was to join Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in a briefing.

Trump’s defense is now in a spot. They will have for the possibility of the Senate voting in favor of calling more witnesses, especially with Bolton being the first ones to be called on stands.

The legal team is more focused on discussing how it would work to go to court to fight a subpoena for Mr. Bolton’s testimony. Mr. Bolton’s lawyer has already made it clear that he would testify in a Senate trial if subpoenaed by lawmakers, but the White House could try to sue to block him.


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