How UK Has Filled A Technology Gap For Turkey

Turkey has become a super drone power, thanks to the United Kingdom

Turkey has been developing its own kinds but with the help of a UK based manufacturing company that provided with important components to Ankara. 

Dodging a US export ban, Turkey has gone all out to prepare itself to face the world. It developed killer drones with the help of merely a missile component first developed in the UK. This has allowed Ankara to find a way out and to become an emerging power in the lethal technology. War experts have already warned against this as a dangerously proliferating thought process.

Turkey can today call itself second to US as a user of armed drones in the world. It has shown its prowess in three cases, all of which were meant for Syria. The use of its armored drones led to more than 400 deaths. Turkey has had its eye on drone technology for a long time. Strangely, most Islamist militia has also made use of unmanned aerial vehicles to attack opponents.

They have been supported by other nations to carry out their jehadist agendas. This includes Qatar, Iran and the Arab coalition. But Turkey has its own agenda in mind. It is not looking at supporting anyone but securing its own stances on the world map. A few years ago, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had made several attempts to buy Predator drones from the US. However, the US would sell only what it wants to sell and not vice-versa. It was not willing to part with its technology. The repeated requests were rebuffed by Congress. Sales weren’t approved, forcing Ankara into an alternative approach.

Even now, Trump continues to maintain cordial relations with Turkey, despite the fact the Congress is not happy with the way Erdogan has been tightening the noose over northern Syria, destabilizing any peace keeping process.

Since the refusal of the US, Ankara has had help from UK, who supplied an important component to the drones called the ‘intelligent hand’ or the Hornet system aka carriage system, which makes the drone light with micro-munitions.

Drone technology is getting to become an extremely sophisticated and lethal mode of terrorism which can evade any geographical territory, hit and escape, without any human damage from its point of origination.


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