Why India Has No Plans To Depend On Pfizer For Covid-19 Vaccine

The Centre is not going to keep all its eggs in the same basket and have its own vaccine ready in time 

While India is planning to support some poor countries with doses of Covid-19 vaccine, it is going to get an advantage of lesser-priced vaccine doses from the American biotech company Pfizer. Sources have confirmed that Pfizer is seeing the need to reduce its pricing to suit the Indian market. India was not planning to pick the dose from the US drug maker due to the high price and the fact that the vaccine is temperature sensitive, a tough proposition for a country like India that has varied temperatures throughout its length and breadth.

The Covid-19 vaccine has to kept under certain temperature that supports the efficacy of the drug. The Pfizer- BioNtech developed vaccine has extreme cold chain requirement at minus 70 degree Celsius.

Then there are logistic and storage challenges to be faced as well. Dr. V.K. Paul at the NITI Aayog has already stated that it is a huge challenge to store the vaccine on such low temperatures, and that also for longer durations.

India still has a backup plan- it has been developing its own candidate in collaboration with other pharma companies. The controversial Russian Sputnik IV candidate maker is also working a formula up with India. But unlike Canada, India does not be put all its eggs in the same basket.

The centre is keeping its options open, owing to the fact that India has a sizable population it would need to take care of. A huge chunk cannot afford expensive vaccines and therefore the Centre has not make arrangements for subsidized selling or free immunization.

There are 5 vaccine candidates at various trial stages in India. The local pharma companies are showing promising results once they get a go ahead from the British medicine regulatory board that certifies the safety of vaccine worldwide.

India could actually have its own vaccine ready by the end of the year; but it is important to wait and watch.


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