How Biden And Harris Present Balance Leadership

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are preparing well for the disaster that Trump is leaving them behind to deal with

As the President elect gets ready for action as he takes control of the White House in January, Donald Trump is busy using the White House resources to meet his own personal agendas. HE has mocked the mask wearing compulsion and social distancing protocols innumerable times and remains shameless about it.

Meanwhile Biden has all the intentions to urge his fellow American to start off simple- wear a mask for the next 100 days. As the old tradition goes, the effectiveness of any leadership is determined in the first 100 days of taking the seat of power.  He is also going to ensure that the American people can receive the vaccine in time; a point that Trump pushed in his twitters like a spoilt child complaining that he will get no credit for the vaccine after all.

Trump was nowhere to be seen as Biden made a public statement on television that he is joining the previous three Presidents of America is a public inoculation drive that will instill the faith of fellow Americans in the efficacy of the vaccine.

The three in line includes Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Biden continues to show the stance of taking people along, something that he has fortunately learned under the wings of Obama who had an exceptionally warm and embracing style of leadership.


Creating the safety net for the Americans, Biden also said that he seconds former President Obama’s thought that if Anthony Fauci, the top public health official on the White House coronavirus taskforce, affirmed that the vaccines awaiting US regulatory approval for emergency use are safe, everyone in the top leadership along with the former presidents would happily stand in line for the inoculation.


A similar debate has embroiled China and UK where complete efficacy of the released vaccines has not still been proven.  America, under the able leadership of Biden is not taking chances with the lives of its citizens- something which was never on Trump’s priority list. 


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