
Showing posts from September, 2020

Why Plant Based Diet Can Actually Save The Earth's Climate?

What will be the co-relation between plants and global warming...... surprisingly, there is a huge one!                             A World Economic Forum report has recently revealed that switching to a plant based diet and doing away with meats could actually help reverse the effect of 16 years of carbon emissions. As of now 83 percent of the world’s agricultural land is being utilized to maintain livestock and animal husbandry.  This is not only putting pressure on land resources, it is also robbing the earth of precious water resource which is needed to maintain the animals. Growing plants for consumption surprisingly needs a mere fraction of space. Also, the shift will greatly help biodiversity too.  It is definitely going to reduce the CO2 emissions, the rise of which has threatened even the existence of icebergs and glaciers in the polar regions.  The Covid-19 led lockdown actually led t...

Why Are Uzbek Migrants Being Kept In the Dark In Russia?

The pandemic has shown the most harrowing picture of the state of migrant population in various parts of the world (The Uzbek migrants in Russia are now desperate to return back home. They see bleak to no hope of re-employment in Covid-19 times.   Come pandemic and the worst side of humanity has also surfaced. The most disastrous incidents highlighting human rights violation have been reported periodically. Russia is no different a story to be narrated. The conditions become worst as the weather is harsh and extremely trying for those without basic amenities or better still, scarcely provided for a large mass.  Currently, on the receiving end are Uzbek migrant workers who have not found a safe passage home. They are stranded in the Russian Samara region, and have now been forced to set up temporary camps. Border to Kazakhstan has been closed. There is no way to reach home, without the help of the Russian government. While the government is providing with basic ameniti...

Israel Moves Ahead To Shake Hands With Middle Eastern Bigwigs

It might just be the only thing which Israel has done right in a decade that is signs up with UAE and Bahrain in order to fight a common enemy- Iran  It has been set in a formal gathering that indeed Israel is willing to call it a truce with the rest of the Middle East, when PM Benjamin Nethayahu signed a historic ‘dawn of a new Middle East’ normalization agreements with the UAE and Bahrain. At the Oval office of the American President expressed his hopes that indeed the deal would bring a sense of peace between five different countries and Israel.  The two Gulf states UAE and Bahrain have now become the third and fourth countries in the Middle East to recognize Israel and establish formal diplomatic relations with the Jewish state for the first time in many decades. With the gulf countries coming together, UAE is sure it has finally ‘broken the psychological barrier’ and sees this as the ‘way forward’ for the region, as per UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. ...